In response to a grand jury’s refusal to indict any officers in the killing of Najee Seabrooks by Paterson Police, ACLU-NJ Executive Director Amol Sinha today issued the following statement:
“Najee Seabrooks should be alive today. We’re deeply disappointed that no police officer will be held accountable for his killing in a court of law.
“When the disturbing videos of the deadly encounter were released, it was an urgent reminder that meaningful investment in non-law enforcement responses to mental health calls is an immediate and life-saving need. New Jersey must make every effort to prevent the unnecessary escalation that happens far too often when police engage with these calls for help.
“But achieving this profound change requires that our state transform policing wholesale. And, above all, for New Jersey to achieve a reality that prioritizes safety and de-escalation over lethal force, we all have a responsibility to examine whether armed police officers must be the only response to public distress, especially when proven alternative solutions exist.”